Chairman’s message

HKIE BSD - Chairman’s Message 2024/2025

It is my great honor to be elected Chairman of BS Division for the session 2024/2025. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to all Past Chairmen for their outstanding leadership, as well as to our committee members, observers, and helpers for their significant contributions to our division. I would also like to extend a sincere thanks to Immediate Past Chairman Ir Keith Yue for his dedication and exceptional leadership, which resulted in fantastic achievements over the past year.

We had a fruitful post-COVID year. I am delighted to see that the various initiatives from the headquarter and division have been executed smoothly, and our industry is rapidly advancing into a new era of new technologies like DFMA and AI.

In the coming year, Hong Kong and the industry will face numerous challenges, making it even more important to sustain the long-term development of the BS industry by nurturing talented individuals. Therefore, we will continue to deliver the school program "#ConnectWithBSD" to attract quality young generation to join our industry.

Building upon the success of initiatives from last year, we will also persist in promoting our professional image to the public through various social media channels. This will help the public, especially the younger generation, to gain a better understanding of our industry.

Furthermore, we will expand our network beyond Hong Kong, particularly in the Greater Bay Area (GBA). We plan to organize more joint technical visits and seminars with professional bodies in the GBA to promote innovation, the latest technologies and the nation’s high-quality engineering development. We will also explore the possibility of mutual recognition with GBA professional bodies in BS discipline, which would greatly benefit our members.

Last but not least, we will strengthen our interaction with other divisions and institutional bodies to jointly organize high-quality activities. I sincerely hope to have your continued support and participation, and I look forward to meeting all of you in the coming events.

Thank you.

Ir Jimmy K LI 
HKIE-Building Services Division (2024-2025)