BSD Events

Women in Building Services Engineering (WBSE) - DIY Perfume Workshop cum WBSE Experience Sharing

Date: 20 November 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 09:30am - 12:00 noon
Venue: Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, HKIE Hearquearters, 9/F Island Beverly, No. 1 Great George Street, Causeway, HK
Fee: Free of Charge

Programme Highlights
Have you ever got an experience of creating your own perfume? Here is the chance for you. The DIY perfume workshop provide a memorable experience for members to creating their own roll-on crystal perfume (5ml x 2) from various types of therapeutic-grade essential oil ingredients including Lavender Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Tangerine - you named it! The perfume which makes with this natural essential oil has a cleansing effect on the mind, spirit, and body, combined with various relieving effects. You will find it helpful to maintain your mental health.

The workshop will also be a good chance to gather a group of WBSE to have valuable experience sharing from various Building Services aspects with challenges, difficulties, tears and joy that women engineers face throughout their careers and how they overcame all of them. Please do come and share with us your story and experience!

Cantonese with English Terminology

CPD Certificate:
A CPD certificate will be issued after the completion of workshop.

Registration & Enquiry:
The workshop is free of charge and prior registration is required. For registration, please register ONLINE via the website of HKIE(BSD) - The number of participants is limited to 30 whereas priority would be given to WBSE. Application will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Successful members will be informed by confirmation e-mail few days before the event. Transferring or sharing of the registration is prohibited.

For enquiry, please contact Ir Sally Leung at 9636 8299 or e-mail:

The original flyer can be downloaded here.